by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Feb 1, 2020 | Ayurvedic Recipes, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Green Living, Kapha, Living with the Seasons in Chinese Medicine, Living with the Seasons in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Natural Food Recipes, Pitta, Plant Based Recipes, Seasonal Recipes, Spring
Ayurvedic Dandelion Greens for Spring are a great cleansing vegetable, excellent year round, but especially good in Spring. They are a wonderful Sattvic food that helps to cleanse the body of the ama dosha that accumulates naturally over the winter months. Green...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jan 20, 2020 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Dosha, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Kapha, Natural Food Recipes, Pitta, Plant Based Recipes, Understanding the Doshas, Wellness
What is Kitchari? Kitchari is a Sattvic, light, easy-to-digest, cleansing, detoxifying food that is excellent once a week, at the change of seasons, or any time you feel like giving your digestive system a break. It is also just a normal one-pot-dish you can have for...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jul 24, 2019 | Ayurveda Articles, Featured Recipe, Kapha, Kapha Dosha Recipes, Living with the Seasons, Pitta, Pitta Dosha Recipes, Plant Based Recipes, Seasonal Recipes, Summer, Vata, Vata Dosha Recipes
Cucumber Avocado Summer Soup–Description Cucumber Avocado Summer Soup is a light and creamy vegetarian summer soup that combines the light and cooling nature of raw vegetables, the specifically cooling nature of cucumber (think: “cool as a...
by Eyton Shalom | Mar 1, 2018 | Chinese Medicine Recipes, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Featured Recipe, Kapha Dosha Recipes, Plant Based Recipes, Spring
Tweet this article Share on Facebook Pin on Pinterest LinkedIn Share by Email Vegan Land and Sea Vegetable Soup is a gentle way to cleanse and renew the body in Spring, or whenever you feel weak or are recovering from illness. It relies on the deep flavors of root...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Aug 29, 2017 | Natural Food Recipes, Plant Based Recipes, Vata, Wellness
Epazote Mexican Herb to Relieve Gas is popular as a fresh herb in southern Mexican cuisine. It is most famously used in black beans, and is said to have a “carminative” effect. Carminative herbs and spices are medicines that, in the terms of European...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | May 23, 2017 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Dosha, Eating with the Seasons, Pitta, Plant Based Recipes
Smoothies for Pitta Dosha People who are Pitta dosha dominant can certainly have more cooling food, as well as raw food that is cooling such as cucumber lettuce and leafy cruciferous veggies sweet fruits coconut flesh, water, and milk milk, butter, ghee And Pitta...