by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Mar 1, 2020 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Conditions Treated, Spices, Winter
When fighting a cold or the flu ramp up your Agni internal fire by drinking a quart a day of Dr. Wickermasinghe’s Ayurvedic Detox Tea for Colds and Flu. Yes, the flu and colds are caused by viruses. But nursing is a vital part of medicine. Staying warm, pushing...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Mar 1, 2020 | Ayurveda, Eating with the Seasons, Winter
Ayurvedic Diet Matched to the Season and Dosh: Use Ayurveda to Prevent Flu and Colds When we speak about using Ayurveda to Prevent Flu and Colds in Winter, we are talking creating the healthiest immune system possible. Yes, flu is caused by a virus. By why do...
by Eyton Shalom | Jan 14, 2020 | Autumn, Ayurveda Articles, Understanding the Doshas, Vata, Winter
Vata in Winter and Late Autumn Ayurveda understands that a healthy spirit and a healthy body, is better than just one or the other. In describing the passage of space through time Ayurveda also describes the way in which the qualities of each dosha elevate in nature...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | May 21, 2017 | Dosha, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Kapha, Pitta, Spices, Summer, Vata
Smoothies for Vata Dosha in Summer: Eating with the Seasons Smoothies for Vata Dosha in Summer is part two of . In Ayurveda we eat with the seasons, so you can have more raw in Summer when Pitta is...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | May 5, 2017 | Ayurveda Articles, Vata, Wellness, Woman's Health
Mary, from Canada writes, “How should I counter the movement aspect for a vata? I am vata dominant and must travel daily to and from work about a 45 min drive and 20 min walk. I find the walk relaxing and during my car ride I listen to soothing personal...