What is my dosha?
Why find out what is my dosha? Because your unique individual dosha pattern is you guide the healthy diet and lifestyle that matches your constitutional type, or Dosha. Radiant health, according to Ayurveda, is a state in which you experience a zest for life and feel integrated and whole. Determine your bodymind type or Dosha and begin your journey to radiant skin, excellent sleep, appetite and digestion. Learn more about the 3 Doshas.
To help determine your bodymind type or Dosha, please click the button below to download your Dosha questionnaire:
How to take your Dosha Quiz:
Your Birth Constitution–Prakruti
1) Read the instructions and click the above button to take your Dosha Quiz. Answer the questions according to the general trends throughout your life. This will give you a better understanding of your underlying Dosha, or birth constitution, called prakruti. For example, if you always have a good appetite, but only recently it was poor, because you had the flu, answer as per what’s normal for you.
Take it a second time to determine Vikruti–Your current imbalance, the starting point for treatment.
2) Then answer the questions in accordance with how you look, feel, and behave today. For example, if you’ve slept well throughput your life, but have been having sleeping problems for six months, the second set of answers will reflect this current imbalance, or vikruti. This is the starting point for any treatment plan.
The Goal–Your unique combination of the 3 Doshas–Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha
It’s important to remember that you are never just one dosha. We are all made up of all 3 doshas–inside each of us is Space, Air, Fire, Earth, and Water –these elements manifest in our bodymind in predictable ways governing specific functions and corresponding to specific tissues.
What we want to know is what our proportions are–are we fire dominant, water dominant, air dominant? Are Pitta, Vatta, or Kapha dominant. And then we want to know what our secondary dosha is–are we Pitta Vatta, Vatta Pitta, Pitta Kapha, etc. Knowing your dosha type/combination is so important because your dosha predicts how your health is likely to fail, and therefore guides your choices for healthy living, wellness, and longevity.
But we also want to know where the current imbalance is. It can even be in your third or tertiary dosha, though it is typically in your first or second. In any event, the starting point is always to know where the current imbalance is.
The In Person Ayurvedic Consultation
It is impossible for a simple questionnaire to capture the full dynamism of the doshas. The questionnaire has its limits; it does not feel your pulse, look at your tongue, or ask about your menstrual cycle, for example. In my Ayurveda practice here in San Diego, I use this questionnaire principally as a teaching tool. Its a good beginning, but to learn how to use this information, it is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner.
And that is what I do. I am an expert at dosha analysis, and would love to help you. We can meet in person, which is best, so I can read your pulses. But we can also meet on Zoom or Facetime.
Good Luck and Enjoy Your Quiz.