by Eyton Shalom | Sep 11, 2016 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Pitta, Summer, Vata, Wellness
Ayurvedic Summer Cabbage Salad with Beet and Onion I am a huge fan of cabbage salad. When I was a strict vegetarian it must have been its hearty quality and chewy texture that appealed. Now that I am an omnivore, I value cabbage both for its delicious, slightly sweet...
by Eyton Shalom | Jul 5, 2016 | Ayurvedic Recipes, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Pitta, Plant Based Recipes
Ayurvedic Hibiscus Summer Tea is naturally Pitta pacifying. This means its cooling and refreshing in the hot summer months, especially in the late summer Santa Ana conditions here in San Diego with the dry dusty weather. At the same time, because of its slight sour...
by Eyton Shalom | Jan 7, 2016 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes
Ayurvedic Winter Spice Churna are “masalas” (spice mixtures) used to boost immunity by improving digestion and stimulating Agni digestive fire. They are used year round, but can be especially good in Winter and also for Ama/toxin accumulation. They can be...
by Eyton Shalom | Dec 13, 2015 | Chinese Medicine Recipes, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes
Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine: Nourish Kidney Yin and Cleanse in Winter with Sea Veggies Winter and the Kidney Qi in Chinese Medical Theory In winter the Qi enters the Kidneys, the physically lowest of the Zang/Solid internal organs, and the energetically...
by Eyton Shalom | Jul 13, 2015 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Dosha, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes
Cold Cucumber Avocado Yogurt Soup for Summer: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Ingredients 2 cups chopped cucumber, peeled if non-organic 1 cup avocado 1.5 cups plain yoghurt or kefir 1-2 tbsp fresh bell pepper 3-4 tbps fresh cilantro Salt and White Pepper to...
by Eyton Shalom | Jun 24, 2015 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Dosha, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Green Living, Spices, Vata
Smoothies for Vata Dosha–Part One A reader had this comment recently about Smoothies for Vata Dosha, after reading this article about Raw Veggies or Salad for a Vatta Dominant Person. Are Smoothies Better than Juicing for Vata Dosha? “I see that the key...