
Wakame Sea Vegetable with Turnip, Pear, and American Ginseng

      Wakame is a delicate, mild tasting, low calorie sea vegetable with a succulent texture. A favorite food in Japanese and Korean cuisine, it is traditionally cooked in miso soup, served on its own as a cold side dish (sunomono), or cooked with foods...

Arame Salad for Autumn

One of my favorite sea vegetables is Arame (Eisenia bicyclis), which grows wild, in the unpolluted waters off the coast of Ise, in Japan. Arame (pronouced Ara-may), besides having a sweet name, has a mild flavor and lovely texture. It can be added to soups and...

Burdock Summer Cleanse for Purification and Weight Loss

Radical herbal and food cleanses damage Agni/Digestive Fire due to their over-use of cold purgative medicinals and hard to digest rough foods. They are an over reaction to another mistake, the standard industrialized denatured diet. The best way to clean the body is...

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