
How Disease Forms in Ayurveda: Dosha Elevation, Weakened Agni/Digestive Fire, and Increased Ama/Digestive Toxins

Ayuveda looks at the formation of disease in the body as the function of two primary factors: One is elevated or vitiated (in Indian English)  Dosha (Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha), and the other, is the formation of Ama, which can loosely be translated as Toxic Material....

Winter Papaya Salad with Toasted Black Sesame

Winter Papaya Salad with Toasted Black Sesame Papaya is one of the few fruits (the other being banana) that are recommended with other foods. Papaya is especially good with proteins, due to its high levels of the digestive enzymes papain and chymopapain, which act...

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