by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jul 2, 2024 | Acupuncture, Acupuncture Articles, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Conditions Treated, Green Living
Acne Rosacea treated by Classical Chinese Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Acne Rosacea Common Symptoms Acne Rosacea is an embarrassing ailment that plagues males and females alike. It is characterized by a red rash on the nose and cheeks. It can spread across the face,...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Nov 24, 2022 | Chinese Herbal Medicine, Featured Wellness Articles
Overeating Relief with Chinese Herbal Prescription Preserve Harmony Pill Chinese Medicine excells at the treatment of digestive disorders, and one of the easiest cures is overeating relief with Chinese Herbal Medicine formula Preserve Harmony Pill, known in Chinese as...
by Eyton Shalom | Nov 19, 2022 | Chinese Herbal Medicine
What Is Chinese Herbal Medicine? Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the therapeutic methods of Classical Chinese Medicine. Classical Chinese Medicine is a 2200 year old written tradition, created by the literate intelligentsia of ancient China. The people that invented...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jul 9, 2022 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbs for Back Pain and Sciatica–Shu Jin 2 My favorite Chinese Herbs for Back Pain and Sciatica is a formula called Shu Jin 2. I also use Shu Jin 2 for bulging and herniated discs, stenosis, and piriformis syndromes. While my primary...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | May 16, 2020 | Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medicine Recipes, Conditions Treated
A person asked me what about Herbs for Damp Heat in TCM on Quora. Here is my off the cuff answer Damp Heat in TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, the term coined in the Communist era for what we now just call Chinese Medicine, is associated with an array of symptoms...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Mar 25, 2020 | Ayurveda, Chinese Herbal Medicine
Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine are different systems of natural medicine with different medical language, practices, medicinals, and theory. For example, Chinese Medicine uses Acupuncture needles and a kind of massage done over the clothing, Tui Na. Ayurveda, on the...