by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jul 8, 2012 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Chinese Medicine Recipes, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Dosha, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Kapha, Natural Food Recipes, Pitta, Plant Based Recipes, Seasonal Recipes, Summer, Vata
Summer is a time when even cold dry (Vata) types or cold damp (Kapha) types can have little more raw foods. One of the ways to make raw foods more compatible for cold types with weaker digestive energy (Agni/Spleen Qi) is to have it in small amounts with other foods...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jun 25, 2012 | Acupuncture Articles, Acupuncture in the Seasons and for Prevention, Chinese Medicine Recipes, Diet and Nutrition in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Living with the Seasons in Chinese Medicine, Living with the Seasons in Chinese Medicine Recipes, Mindfulness, Natural Food Recipes, Summer
The Chinese and Indian View: Life is a Passage Through Cycles In Chinese Medicine (as also Ayurveda) a fundamental concept is to prepare for what is ahead. This is not just generalized prevention as in eating a healthy diet or sleeping well, but is specific to...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jun 8, 2012 | Ayurveda, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Dosha, Eating with the Seasons, Green Living, Pitta, Seasonal Recipes, Summer, Understanding the Doshas, Wellness
Ayurvedic Summer Tea One of my favorite Ayurveda Summer Teas is Ayush Brand ProPita Tea. This is a naturally cooling tea that is mildly relaxing. Because it combines energetically cooling herbs and spices like Tulusi, Sandalwood, and Cardamon, with sweet spices like...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Jun 8, 2012 | Ayurveda, Dietary & Nutritional Counseling, Dosha, Eating with the Seasons, Green Living, Pitta, Seasonal Recipes, Summer, Understanding the Doshas, Wellness
My favorite herbal tea for hot weather is Ayurveda Summer Tea Ayush ProPita Tea. Ayush ProPita tea is a naturally cooling tea that is mildly relaxing. ProPita tea combines cooling herbs and spices like Tulsi, Sandalwood, and Cardamon, with sweet soothing spices like...
by Eyton Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. | Sep 2, 2011 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Recipes, Eating with the Seasons, Eating with the Seasons Recipes, Living with the Seasons in Chinese Medicine
Lassi Summer Yogurt Drink is made from blending yogurt, or kefir, with water and spices, or fruit. While many Indians, especially vegetarians, eat yogurt with spiced foods at lunch time, and drink yogurt mixed with water, during the day, year round, it is especially...